STEINER - Catalogue 2021

3 - 12X56 RANGER 3-12X56 Preis- Leistung eu PREIS LEISTUNG Niedersächsischer HUNTING WI DE . BRI GHT. SHORT. Compact versatility for virtually any rifle, plus an optical performance to pick our prey from any environment. Item No. 8762900204 TUBE DIAMETER 63,5mm I LENGTH 337 mm I WEIGHT 705g Powerful all-round riflescope for high seat and still hunting. Light weight with 705g and large field of view. By high light transmission a perfect companion for hunting at night. Precise illumination adjustment delivers perfect performance in daylight into nighttime. Riflescope for all kinds of rifles. Edition 17-2017 TEST Drivenhunt Riflescopes Edition 19-2017 TEST Drivenhunt Riflescopes 19 STEINER-OPTIK